Monday, July 21, 2014

When to Say "I'm sorry"

Saying I'm sorry for many means absolutely nothing, for others it can mean absolutely everything. While its only two words, there impact can be profound. This begs the question, when is it appropriate to say I'm sorry, and what is the best way to do it? While it may seem very simple, it may be more complicated than we think. in a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal, apologizing immediately is the absolute WORST thing you can do. Just like there is an art to convincing someone to go on a date, there is an art to apologizing. If you have seen any of Robin Thicke's pleas to return to the good graces of his estranged wife, Paula Patton, it is safe to say he is providing us all with a text book of what not to do.

Robin Thicke Should Probably Read This

If you have no musical ability to speak of, and are unable to dedicate full length albums and nation wide tours to your wife or husband, there are other options (Robin we are speaking to you). Elizabeth Bernstein of the WSJ points out 5 steps that can be taken in any situation where conflict rears its ugly head...

Again, while these steps may seem like common sense, I think they are far easier said than done. Which one of these do you think you struggle with the most? The next time you find yourself stuck in a conflict, focus on trying to express a more positive behavior. Chances are, your partner will be happier, and when its all said and done, you will be too. 

Dr. Hal Shorey Dropping Knowledge

Check out the article from the WSJ below, its a great read and chances are you will learn something. For those too lazy to read, there is an informative video clip featuring Dr. Hal Shorey you can check out as well( WSJ Article) . Happy Monday everybody! And don't forget to say "I'm Sorry".

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